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Drifting Snowflakes Jasmine Green Tea Chocolate

  • Smell: Beautiful. Sweet and super florid. Like jasmine after a rain.

  • Little grainy. The tea hits first, then the jasmine. Quite sweet. Magical. Fairy chocolate. Chocolate for a water nymph's quinceanera. Wam breeze after nighttime rainfall in the garden. Full circle skirts made of silk that sprinkle tiny petals when they twirl.

  • Lovely for a tea party or a summertime picnic with pink lemonade. I do wish the texture matched the flavor better. It should be silky smooth.

Blueberry Lavender & Oats 60%

  • This looks like it wants to be monched, not melted. Gonna melt some anyway.

  • Smell: Huh, more oaty than I expected. Guess I've never really attended to the pure scent of oats before. The lavender is light and sweet, not in-your-face. If this smell were a boat it would be a whittled toy sailboat.

  • Sharper than I expected! At least at first. Then the oats come through. The lavender is a lot more spiky on the tongue than it was in the nose. I'm not getting any blueberry, though there were no chunks of blueberry in this bite. I don't know, it's sort of strange. This one also reminds me of fae, but this time it's some kind of hidden emo fairy with purple skin who writes beautiful sad poetry that she never shows anyone except when she captures a mortal for the evening.

Salted Egg Cereal (white chocolate)

  • Smell: Wtf is this. Sweet milky creamy, with a pepper sensation inside my nose but not yet a spicy smell. Ok definitely some savory spices going on here.

  • At first just sweet, then pow a bunch of heat, then I think nutty? It's got crunchy bits when I chew, like some kind of chex mix. I've never had anything like this. Like some kind of weird-ass fried Japanese candy with kawaii squids on the wrapper. It's sort of like if smoking while playing poker in a basement were a white chocolate. That sort of sounds like I dislike it, but I don't dislike it, it's just extremely distant from most of my personality. If this were a Pony, it would be... none of the mane six; maybe Applejack's male cousin with the great big hooves.

Chilli Peanut Praliné 54%

  • Smells very peanutty. Peanut brittle. Maybe sort of like those strange peanut-shaped soft candies. Reminds me of caramel.

  • Sweet, salty, hot/sharp, in that order. Suddenly lots of peanut. Then the heat increases and spreads across my mouth. Some crunchy bits. Lots of heat. Reminds me of a bonfire. Really making the back of my throat burn. Part of my brain is trying to tell me this will be psychoactive. Some kind of branding ceremony for a hidden tribe of magic users.

  • Not bad. Right near the edge of my heat tolerance.

Spicy Mala 65%

  • Smell: Whaaaaaaaat is that? Wat, wat. Weeeeeird. Salty spicy sweet STRANGE like a powdered thing in the bulk foods section of a hippy grocery store (so probably a completely ordinary household spice in some other part of the world). I think when I try to dance any particular partner dance form with this chocolate it will insist on becoming partner improv ecstatic dance, but maybe that's racist against white people with dreadlocks.

  • Tastes sweet. The "weird" thing doesn't hit me nearly as fast inside my mouth. It really waits for the retronasal olfaction to kick in. Then the weird thing, then some heat. A sour flavor, like something went rancid. Salty. If you told me that this is what a three month old beached whale tastes like, I'd believe you.

  • I hate this and I'm not eating the third piece I prepared.




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