Choquiero Flight

Puro Sabor "Dark Lover's Bar With Himalayan Salt" 80%

  • Smells dark, chocolaty, a little spicy. I seem to be a little distracted and I'm having trouble sinking into it. It's certainly a dark round but also sharp scent.

  • A little bitter and sharp at first. Slightly grainy. A zing begins to come through. Something a little tangy, though not obviously fruity. An almost pumpkiny or maybe melony flavor. I don't recall having ever tasted this in a chocolate. Yeah, I think "pumpkin" is the right word. It's not cozy, though. It reminds me of college, or perhaps of a gap year for traveling. There's something chill and strange and round about this chocolate. I'm having trouble characterizing it. It reminds me of Luna Lovegood, crocheted outfits, exploring abandoned buildings. It's the friend who never drinks alcohol and rarely goes to parties and every time you hang out with them you do something you never would have thought of on your own and you have a wonderful time.

  • This is unique and delicious.

Mayan Rose "With Cinnamon and Maca Root" 75%

  • Smells rosy! And also dark and a little sharp. Sweet at the top. I also smell the maca. It's sort of earthy and sharp-like-tumeric.

  • Melts smoother than I expected for some reason. Little salty. More than a little salty. Assaulting my tongue a bit. I'm seeing dualists fighting with sabers. Dirty and sort of smelly people. An old musty rose flower that's decomposing on the stem. Someone walking barefoot with dirty bare feet and a hemp fiber backpack on top of a long wall.

  • I'm not a fan.

Spicy Chipotle "With Cacao Nibs and Cayenne Pepper" 73%

  • I'm excited about this one because I loved it last time I tasted it.

  • It smells a little salty, sweet, and I actually don't think I'm getting any spice. Oh but might be slightly stinging my nose. Slightly fruity and florid I think?

  • Sweet and then some spice shows up. A slow hot sort of spice. Little bit of salt. An interesting liminal space between dark and light. Twilight. The spice isn't overwhelming. It's well supported by a soft round meltingness. It seems excited, like the thirteen year old who came over to me in dance class to find out how long my eyelashes are, apparently because she's fascinated by trans guys.

  • I feel oddly confused by this chocolate today, like I can't quite get a read on it. It seems sort of complex without being deep. I like the texture of the nibs.

Lucu Maca "With Lucuma and Vanilla Bean" 60%

  • Smell reminds me of baby blue eyes flowers (the way they look, not the way they smell). It's sort of cool and sweet and a little fruity.

  • Oh this is interesting! There's a squash or melony flavor here. Yes definitely squash, like kabocha maybe. Oh, and something roasty toasty, like toasted... marshmallows? Toasted pumpkin seeds? Maybe roasted pumpkin, actually, the exterior caramelized. My brain says that this is "an unusually culinary chocolate". If it were a boat, it would be a house boat. Someone's cozy little houseboat with a thousand modifications to make it their own. They throw dinner parties on the houseboat with people native to a hidden island who rarely have contact with the outside world.

  • This is delicious and unique. It, too, is somehow complex without being deep. A casual but interesting experience. Respect.


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To’ak Rain Harvests 2014-2019