Original Seeing With a Focus On Life
Four weeks of nature study.
1. Sensorium
Week One is about opening up to your senses.
2. Zoom In
Week Two is about being drawn in by details.
3. Zoom Out
Week Three is about relationships.
4. Adventure
Week Four is all up to you.
Wait, what is this thing?
This is a nature study course.
In May and June of 2021, I ran an online nature study course with about two dozen participants. I had three goals:
Help people create or deepen a personal connection with nature.
Learn how to run month-long online courses with over a dozen participants.
Test some hunches about the rationality material I’d been working on.
This page contains all of the course materials. If you go through them in order on your own, I expect you’ll get almost the same experience as the original cohort of Spring 2021. For an experience even more in line with my vision for the course, recruit a few friends to do it with you, and meet up with them once a week to chat about your studies.
I conjecture that if you complete this course, you’ll find you’re able to study your own mind, or just about anything else, in the way a naturalist studies nature, with no further guidance.
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