I write stuff. My essays end up in one of these places. Usually. Eventually.

Agenty Duck

This is where things go when they’re more essay-shaped than Facebook-post-shaped, but aren’t ready for Lesswrong. It’s mostly rationality stuff, but you’ll also find poetry and other miscellanea here.


This is my blog for autism-related writing. It’s focused on cognitive technology for being awesomely autistic (plus just getting through the day despite all the car horns and eyeballs and so forth).

Ba Zenba

I’m no longer active at this blog. It chronicles a personal exploratory experiment in internal alignment. Each post is written by one of my “facets”, characters I invented and learned to play in daily life to better understand my drives to action.


This site hosts my sequences “Intro to Naturalism” and “The Nuts and Bolts of Naturalism”.