Ecuadorian Chocolates

Les Tropiques du Chocolat by Francois Pralus (Equateur Arriba 75%)

Slightly sharp, round, cool irises in a hobbit hole. Smell is sweet, dark, and a little fruity-sharp. Reminds me of irises in the rain.

Labooko by Zotter (Ecuador 60%)

Very light and very sweet scent. Oh wow *so* sweet. Some kind of sharp bitter thing in the flavor? Honeysuckles. Specifically the flame kind I grew at Godric's. This is very candy. Like Kodama went out to a meadow and picked a bouquet of sweet nectar flowers then caramelized them in the sun for her friend Toad.

Cru by Amedei Tuscany (Ecuador 70%)

Smoooooth as fuck. That is a velvet smell. Green velvet opium moss. The flavor adds a lot of sharp bitter. Sweet velvet opium moss escort in stilettos walking down a dark alley to approach a prospective client. There's a little grit under her shoes.

Nacional 70% Arriba by Domori (Ecuador 70%)

Smells sweet like maple leaves in spring. Oh interesting, there's a bitter/sour thing here. Very different. I'm seeing ice skates cutting circles across the ice and someone in a flamboyant figure skating costume. What's that sour egg mixture people add to alcoholic drinks? Maybe it's just called "sour"? It's like that and maple leaves. Um, but maple flowers also. Do maple trees blossom? If maple trees blossom it's maple blossoms garnishing a whiskey sour during a figure skating exhibition.

Rain Harvest 2018 by To'ak (Ecuador 74%)

Oh much more light scent. Lightly sweet rainforest clouds in the canopy, with a tiny bit of smoke and spice in them. Sort of purple scent. More irises here, but late season irises. The autumn re-blooms. Oh this one tastes *really* florid. Purple flowering vines basking in the occasional spots of sunlight of the cloudy rainforest canopy. Now that I'm eating it I've changed my mind about autumn re-blooms. Too fruity for that. Early spring irises that have *just* opened, the very first blossom. A little boy climbed into the canopy to harvest flowers from the tallest vines during a rain storm, then brought them down to the dew-covered irises and sprinkled the petals with clover honey and brought them to his grandmother who is taking a mid-day nap in a darkened room.


Les Tropiques du Chocolat by François Pralus

