Whiskey Infusions

Goodnow Farms Chocolate "Putnam Rye Whiskey", Ecuador, 77%

  • Smell: Subtle. Chocolaty. Warm brown. Quiet. Calm. Peaceful. Back porch steel guitar.

  • Sweet. Little sharp. Excellent melting texture, super smooth. Mmm this is fucking delicious. It may have to do with the fact that I'm literally hearing frogs out my window right now, but still, frog sounds from the pond at the end of dusk. The Spotify playlist "back porch blues". It's got this quiet cool-in-temperature, warm-in-emotion (welcoming, contentment) opening up unfurling relaxing, like hair coming down out of a bun or the support of a shady chair after many hours of manual labor. Playing music in solitude as the stars come out. This is how I would like the majority of my evenings to feel.

Compartés Chocolatier "The Nightcap" Dark Chocolate with Whiskey 75%

  • Smell: Bright warm sharp sweet fermented twangy comforting fun smell. Reminds me of bluegrass music.

  • Dry taste at first. Twangy. Dry crabapple cider. Warm, cherry cordials. Wow lots of cherry coming through now. A winter log cabin overlooking a ski slope, cigars on the deck. The sourness really fills up my mouth, like a little expanding water balloon. But it's a well balanced sour, full of sweet and character. I would play truth or dare with this chocolate in the hot tub while it snows. An old fashioned relaxed good time.

Dick Taylor Barrel Aged "Straight Bourbon Whiskey" 70%

  • Smell: Sweet, a little florid, gold filigree. (Gold leafing? The one that's flat, not raised or indented.) Pink and yellow. Tropical fruit.

  • Sharp. Super smooth melter. High citrus, low sour penny clang. Beautiful texture; delicate smooth toothsome (if I'm correct about what "toothsome" means). This is one of those split personality chocolates, similar to... any chocolate I've ever had with salt, and most chocolates I've had with ginger. The whiskey doesn't really blend in this one. It stands out as a distinct flavor, and not an especially appealing one. The chocolate itself tastes like a lighter, sweeter, more florid version of their Belize chocolate, and then standing beside that is the unwashed white-bearded moonshiner with missing teeth.

Triangle "Whiskey", Nicaragua La Colonia, 70%

  • Smell: Reminds me a lot of the redbuds blossoming at the top of my driveway today. A soft river of caramel. A springtime scent.

  • Slightly grainy texture in the melt. Sweet, then some sharp sourness begins. This one has a lot of the back porch vibe as well, but it's younger. Playing bluegrass for fox kits. A boys-only lean-to fort. Down to earth, unreflective, super masculine but no older than 13. Grass stains and crawdad fishing. I like it.




To’ak Aged Six Years