To’ak Aged Six Years

Irish Whiskey Cask, Piedra de Plata 73%

  • Smells smooth and dark, like leather, chess sets, candlelit cherry desks.

  • The texture is so silky. Quiet subtle flavor. The ghost of something slightly bitter. It's so quiet. Still, like the surface of a pond at night. I don't know, I think it lacks warmth and body. It reminds me of a leaf that has decomposed almost all the way, so that only the skeleton of veins remains. It does have a little warmth in the sense of warming spices. There's a slight bite to it. That's the leather. A fireplace whose embers are not quite warm enough still to glow.

Tequila Cask, Piedra de Plata 73%

  • This scent has a quiet warmth, like leaves falling.

  • Man nobody beats the texture of To'ak in the melting phase. Very quiet flavor, a little sharp. Reminds me of a light summer breeze during cloud gazing. It's a little bit astringent. The way grass feels beneath you when you sit down on it wearing thin jeans. This has a property very similar to what I called "ghostly" before, but it feels more like air and light than like the memory of life. Like a kami of the clouds.

Palo Santo, Piedra de Plata 80.5%

  • Mmm smells warm, bright, light, youthful. Pink, blue, purple, bright green, like spring bulbs blooming. But there's also heat like a blanket beside a wood stove, or soaking in a hot spring.

  • Tiny bit of mushroom in the first bloom of flavor. It's all very quiet, though. I'm almost losing track of it. There's something... bent? Something kind of wobbly, like a spring or a pogo stick or a tall tree burdened with snow. It still feels a lot like spring. Vernal pools. The seasonal puddles of water that form from snow melt in the spring, still and short lived but a habitat for their own tiny ecosystem, and with flowers growing around them. The silence of those pools in the morning when the crickets have gone to bed but the first bird hasn't yet begun to sing.


Whiskey Infusions


Ritual 75%