Sjaak's "Thank You For All You Do" Collection


I picked these up because they’re a pre-packaged tasting flight. Convenient! They come with little notes, and the gimmick is that you’re supposed to give them to someone as a gift, in appreciation.

But it turns out that I’d never actually inflict these on someone I like, unless I was sure that they really just want sugar and don’t much care what else is going on inside their mouth.


PB&J truffle bar

  • Smells fruity and sweet, like medicine or cherry cordials

  • Super duper sweet chocolate coating. Soft bite. Doesn't really taste like PB&J? Tastes a little bit like those orange chewy peanut-shaped candies. I like the chew. Sort of reminds me of the circus. Or cartoon sailboats. Oh, this piece tastes much more like peanut butter made of peanuts. It's childish and sort of fun. Hard to get a read on the chocolate itself. The tactile experience has a lot of whomp, whomp, whomp. A candy you'd win at a carnival. Elephants? Specifically Dumbo.

Coffee truffle bar

  • Smell: There's something that gave me a flash of fish tanks. Mostly just sweet, kind of quiet. Hint of coffee.

  • Super sweet. The chocolate robe is like a river flowing through munchkin land. Super sweet coffee inside. I like the little crunchies. It's mostly just smoothness and sugar. Almost marshmallow cream. Reminds me slightly of climbing trees or jumping off of the roof onto the trampoline.

S'mores truffle bar

  • Smells sweet. My brain said "oranges and coconut" for some reason but I don't think it smells like those things at all. Maybe it has a little bit of a tropical vacation spirit, though.

  • Wtf is this. It's just sugar powder with some gelatin. Ok I get a hint of specifically marshmallow, but imitation marshmallow the way green popsicles taste like lime. Grainy dusty thing. Reminds me of getting tied up in cobwebs after banging your head climbing trees and now you have a headache.




An Assortment Of Dark Chocolates From Choquiero