Four Inclusions: Whiskey, Orange, Coffee, Lavender


Compartés Chocolatier The Nightcap 70% (Dark Chocolate Whiskey)

Smells sharp and dark. Sharp sharp on the tongue. A little bit of burnt oak. Something bitter. Cherry cordial. Sitting outside on the porch at night after a thunderstorm, light rain on the roof, rolling thunder in the distance. Something playful here, but calm casual relaxed. Playing checkers by candlelight, scent of the wood stove drifting out through the screen door, warming drink on a stormy night.

This is exceptionally satisfying. It has the comforting embrace of a snacking chocolate, but the journey and precision of an art chocolate as well. Beautiful.

Willie's Cacao Cuban Baracoa Luscious Orange 65% (Dark Chocolate with Delicate Orange)

Lots of candied orange in the scent! Warm and bright. Reminds me of Christmas. Sharper than I was expecting on the tongue. Smooth as well, though. A little powdery. More candied orange peel than fresh orange juice. The orange at the bottom of a christmas stocking.

Not a whole lot of depth here, but an excellent snacking chocolate. It's pleasant and satisfying. I haven't had all that much orange chocolate, but it's definitely two steps above any other orange chocolate I've run into before.

Ritual Chocolate Novo Coffee Anyetsu 60% (vegan)

Well designed packaging. Whoooo smells like roasted coffee beans! Mmm, espresso. Strong. Interesting how it's specifically the roasted beans, and not ground coffee or brewed coffee, that I'm getting. The chocolate is pretty sour. A fast melter. Quite a bit of chalkey powder. Reminds me of the bright fruity coffees. Fruity espresso beans that got a little dusty and rancid.

I like the roasted espresso flavor, but I'm not a fan of the chocolate carrying it. This needs a slow smooth solid chocolate base, but instead this is thin sour chalkey bright.

Compartés Chocolatier Lavender Bar 36% (White Chocolate Lavender)

Smells like lavender shortbread cookies. Exciting! Oh it's purple. Visually, I mean; the bar itself is a light purple color. It's sweeeeeeet geeze. Yep that's white chocolate all right. This belongs in a macadamia nut cookie. There's coolness in the flavor at the roof of my mouth, the flowers like a light breeze. This is a five-year-old's tea party with a fancy English tea set stolen from the china cabinet and stuffed animals for guests.

Well it's not really chocolate, but it's good at being what it is. The flavors are very well blended and balanced. If I liked white chocolate more, I'd love this.


Lindt Excellence

