Taza Mexican-Style Stone Ground Chocolate

85% "Super Dark"

  • Smells a little earthy and spicy. Yeah surprisingly spicy, almost like cumin and chili.

  • Quite bitter. Very grainy. Sour bitter rather off putting. Reminds me of tires. Really neat texture. Super crunchy sandy grainy. Some young trans guy who lives and works at a junk yard, sorting trash and collecting shiny bits of colored glass to make jewelry.

  • It's fine, but I mostly only like it for the texture.

70% "Dark"

  • Smells very similar to the 85%, but also a bit fruity. A kind of funky fruit, like maybe lychee.

  • Some sweetness. Bit sour. Ok so this is a group of *kids* who play at a junkyard. They've built a fort out of scrap metal and car parts and they hardly ever go to school. Some earthiness, like mushrooms, a baseball covered in mud.

  • Passable. Wouldn't seek it out, but happy to eat it.

50% "Vanilla"

  • Smells fruity, smooth, and grungy.

  • Interesting how much I can *hear* the gritty texture when it slides over my teeth. Very sweet. This is candy. Jesus. It's chocoalte-flavored sugar. It's like a crunchy chocolate Peep. Definitely reminds me of Easter. This is chocolate hand-made by the mud boy for the wood witch's birthday.

50% "Chipotle Chili"

  • Smells... weeeeeiirrrrd. Kind of soapy? Soapy spice. A little bit of soft and florid.

  • Tastes like sweet followed by burning. Like a red hot. Is that what they're called? Those little red cinnamon dots. Ok there's the distinctive chipotle flavor. Like muddy drunk smoke. Somebody throwing beer cans into a bonfire. Oh surprisingly long burn after swallowing.

  • Alas, I am not a fan of chipotle chili. Moderately well executed, though, especially if you enjoy poverty.

50% "Guajillo Chili"

  • Fruity! A little florid. A little bit like tires. Like running around in circles.

  • ...I think maybe my fingers are burning from having broken the pieces off, so this should be interesting. Just sweet so far. Sweet and maybe vanilla. Almost no hotness a full 30 seconds in. Quite green, yet not like grass. More like a melon. Some spice once it reaches the back of my throat. Quite mild. A broad vague tingling excitement, like driving toward the ocean and smelling salt before you can see the water. Definitely some flowers here as well.

  • I really like this one! The flavors are well balanced and integrated. It's a slow quiet journey full of electricity.

50% "Cinnamon"

  • Whoo that sure smells like cinnamon! Christmas candy, redhots, the uh... the alcohol that tastes like this. Fireball? Fire.. Yeah, Fireball.

  • Very sweet. The cinnamon is not overpowering at first. Not getting a lot of "chocolate" here so far. Nutcracker soldier toys and filled stockings hanging by a small stone hearth in a dim little cottage before dawn on Christmas morning. A second set of stockings, each smaller than a thimble, set out by a family of mice.

  • Not bad. I feel fondness for it. It's a nice game for your mouth if you like cinnamon.


Spicy Chocolates from Choquiero Chocolate

