My Favorite Chocolates

toak 2018 rain harvest.jpeg

To'ak “Rain Harvest 2018” (Ecuador 74%)

A little boy climbed into the canopy to harvest flowers from the tallest vines during a rain storm, then brought them down to the dew-covered irises and sprinkled the petals with clover honey and brought them to his grandmother who is taking a mid-day nap in a darkened room.


Amano “Ocumare Village” (Venezuela 70%)

It's like the air two feet above creek rocks in shadow. It reminds me so strongly of turning over a rock to find a blue-tailed salamander, just a few minutes before the wind picks up and it starts to storm.

Cacaosuyo “Cuzco 80” (Peru 80%)

An old woman who renounces society and goes to live in a hut in the middle of the jungle brewing potions out of jaguar claws. This chocolate is about power, magic, and grit. An excellent chocolate to inspire a young adult fantasy novel.